The text ensures that the PSOE raised the SMI by 22% in 2019 to recover what was lost and reach the OECD average. Furthermore, it reiterates that they will continue to increase it “progressively and agreed upon in social dialogue, until placing it at. The end of the legislature atof the average salary, in accordance with the provisions of the European Social Charter. Which Spain signed upon entering the The . This is how minimum wages have grown in Europe in recent years PP. Your program does not mention the SMI, but Casado has hinted. That it could be reduced Pablo Casado The Popular Party’s program for these elections does not. Refer to the interprofessional minimum wage in any of the 200 measures that comprise it .
The president of the PP and the
Pablo Casado, was involved in a controversy in April on behalf of the SMI. When he stated in an interview on Onda Cero that he will try to reduce the last increase. If he wins the elections, assuring that will comply with “the agreement of the employers and the unions to raise the SMI to 850 euros in 2020. Later, he described these Paraguay Mobile Number Database statements as fake news . In this campaign, its number 5 candidate on the PP list for Madrid, former minister and former. President of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). Elvira Rodríguez, has defended stopping new increases in the SMI so as not to worsen the market situation. labor and has assured that the decision to raise it to 900 euros. May have to do with the slowdown in employment.
What it will be like to look for work in 2019
Higher salaries and lower job creation Citizens: they reject the increase. But they will not try to repeal it if they govern Albert Rivera, president of Ciudadanos Albert Rivera, president of Ciudadanos. The orange. Party has criticized the increase in the minimum wage and its proposals in this regard for the next legislature. In this sense, there has been a change of opinion in the party: its 2008 program defended raising the SMI to 1,000 euros, but Australian mobile number Ciudadanos criticized last year the Government’s increase to 900 euros. And, facing the next legislature, it seems that the criticism of its president, Albert Rivera, of the rise in the SMI, who described the measure as “bad for the Spanish economy,” will not continue.