This is what they propose about the electoral reform PSOE

Unlike previous elections, the reform of the electoral system has lost strength and is no longer one of the main lines of the campaign . In 2015 and 2016, Podemos and Ciudadanos broke into the Congress of Deputies demanding substantial changes. The electoral law that enforced the principle of one person, one vote. Both formations, despite their ideological differences. Defended, just as Izquierda Unida did before 2010, that the electoral system. The d’Hondt system of distributing seats were favoring the two-party system, increasing the results of the PP and PSOE and making. It difficult that a third force would burst onto the political scene. Read more. How much does it cost each Spaniard to organize a general election.

In the case of PP and PSOE they

Which hinders or directly prevents the right to vote of Spaniards residing abroad. For Podemos , the priority ischange the d’Hondt system for a more proportional one, while Más País limits itself to asking, like the purple formation, that the right to vote be expanded from the age of 16 . For their part, Ciudadanos and Vox propose  India Mobile Number Database  reforms to practically leave the Catalan, Basque, Galician, Valencian, Cantabrian or Canarian parties out of Congress . This is what the electoral programs of the 6 parties with the highest voting intention say about the electoral reform . PSOE: eliminate the requested vote and promote ballot box voting Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government. Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government.

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There are few differences on this issue between

In fact, the program of the socialist formation for these elections proposes in its section on improving democratic quality ” eliminating the requested vote in general, regional and European elections” instead of reforming it, as the popular  Cayman mobile phone number  ones propose . Instead, the party led by Pedro Sánchez proposes facilitating “voting at the ballot box where there is a greater number of Spanish residents” in addition to removing “the administrative barriers that exist today to guarantee rights and facilitate the participation of Spanish citizens in the abroad” PP: reform the vote requested by Spaniards abroad Pablo Casado, president of the PP, in Congress. Pablo Casado, president of the PP, in Congress.


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