ISIS on Thursday confirmed the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and announced his successor: Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi. An ISIS expert at Swansea University, Aymenn al-Tamimi, believes that although the name is unknown, it could refer to a high-ranking member of the terrorist group called Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal Rahman al-Mawla, who has had several alias. ISIS also confirmed that its spokesman, Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir, was killed in a US strike that took place after the Baghdadi raid. A man identified as Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi is the new spokesperson for ISIS. Although ISIS no longer has the caliphate, analysts have warned that the terrorist group is far from defeated and still poses a major threat. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain.
ISIS announced on Thursday that it now
The successor is Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi, according to Site Intel Group , an organization that tracks online activities of extremist groups such as ISIS. It is a nom de guerre, according to the best analysts , and there are several. Indications that the leader descends from the Qurayshi tribe of the prophet Muhammad. Baghdadi also Shandong Mobile Number List claimed to be a descendant of this tribe to establish his legitimacy as “caliph” or leader of the Islamic world. ISIS treats his successor as “caliph” as well . The name of Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi is unknown, but a group of researchers from Swansea University led by Aymenn al-Tamimi told Reuters that he could be Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal Rahman al-Mawla.
The leader of the Islamic State
During a US military operation in Syria. He died like a dog and a coward,” says Trump Al-Mawla, who also goes by the aliases. Hajj Abdullah” and “Abdullah Qardash,” has been named by. The State Department as a “potential successor” to Baghdadi. According to a report from the State Department’s Justice Rewards Program, al-Mawla is a “religious scholar. The extremist group from which ISIS emerged and ” has slowly risen Italy Mobile Number to assume a senior leadership role in ISIS. It also appears. That al-Mawla “helped justify and lead the kidnapping, killing and trafficking of the Yazidi religious minority in northwestern. Iraq and is believed to oversee certain of the group’s global terrorist operations. On Thursday ISIS also confirmed that its spokesman. Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir, was killed in another US strike that took place after the Badhdadi raid.