Soon, citizens will go to the polls to elect their representatives. It has not been even a year since the country experienced general elections, and it is inevitable to try to guess whether the results of April 28 will be repeated in a few weeks. What did the richest and poorest neighborhoods vote in the previous elections. The data from the Tax Agency and a map prepared by allow us to know this. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . Skirt general elections The general elections are approaching and it has not been even. A year since citizens went to the polls to elect their representatives. The impossibility of reaching agreements to invest Pedro Sánchez means that the electoral event will. Be repeated on November 10 and it is inevitable to look back to try to guess whether the results of April 28 will be repeated.
The neighborhoods with the highest incomes are located in
For their part, the poorest neighborhoods are in the districts of Alicante, Murcia, Córdoba and Jerez de la Frontera. How to know if you are a member of a polling station before receiving the notification Thanks to this map prepared by. You can find out which party won in the general elections of April 28 in the neighborhoods with the highest incomes and in the neighborhoods with the lowest incomes. This is how the richest Italy Mobile Number Database neighborhoods in Spain have voted Aravaca neighborhood, Madrid (61,476 euros of annual income): PP Municipal Board of the Moncloa – Aravaca district. Municipal Board of the Moncloa – Aravaca district. In Aravaca the Popular Party won with of the votes.
Somosaguas neighborhood Pozuelo de
Here, Ciudadanos did manage to remain the second force ahead of Vox, which occupied third place with only a difference. How to avoid receiving electoral propaganda from political parties Barrio de Vallvidrera-Tibidabo and Les Planes, Barcelona. ERC Vallvidrera-Tibidabo and Les Philippines mobile number Plaines Esquerra Republicana. Won in the richest neighborhood of Barcelona with of the votes, well ahead of the second most voted force, Junts per Catalunya. La Moraleja, Alcobendas, Madrid (113,642 euros of annual income): PP The morale. The party with the most votes in the residential area of La Moraleja. The richest neighborhood in Spain located in Alcobendas, was the Popular Party with .