To vote by mail you have to complete the application within the established. Period, wait to receive the documentation at your home and go to a Post Office to deposit the ballots. If you vote at a polling station, you only have to bring your documentation in order and find the table that corresponds to you. Read on to learn how to vote by mail. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain. Skirt general elections The deadline to request a vote by mail began on September 24. You can request it until October 31 and exercise your right to vote until November 8 , 2 days before the elections.
Specifically through the website
Once you have requested to vote by mail, the first phase is completed and you have to wait for the ballots to be sent to your home. The last day for this documentation to arrive is November 3. It is worth remembering that this notification Bahrain Mobile Number Database is certified , so there will be formal and legal proof. That you have collected the documentation. 16 excuses with which you can avoid being at a polling station in the November 10 elections When you have received the ballots you must enter the vote in the envelopes that the Post Office also provides you, one for the Congress of Deputies and another for the Senate , and go to an office with your renewed and valid DNI (or Passport) to deposit there your vote. The deadline to complete this last phase ends on Friday, November 8 .
How to vote on November 10 in person If, on the other hand, you are
It will be a center close to the address where you are registered. This information is also collected on the website of the National Statistics Institute (INE), specifically in this section. By clicking on Consultation of polling stations and premises you will find. All the data that corresponds to you: the school, the polling station and the section in which Netherlands mobile number you must vote. General Election Scrutiny It will only be necessary for you to show up at school with a valid ID or Passport . The documentation must not be expired, otherwise you will not be able to vote. The members of the electoral board will assist you, that is, the two members and the president. The voter can carry their ballot already prepared in its envelope or select. The ballot at the polling station itself and place it in the envelope.