Podemos Vox and  propose for employment

Job creation and proposals to reduce unemployment are one of the points in which. The programs of PSOE, PP, Ciudadanos, Podemos, Vox and Más País differ the most. The labor reform implemented in 2012 is the main point of conflict. Podemos and Más País are committed to repealing it totally or partially, while the other 3 parties are committed to deepening it. However, there is consensus among the formations. Regarding the fight against temporary employment and long-term unemployment, although they propose very different solutions. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . Skirt general elections Employment, or rather the fight against unemployment, is the issue in the economic area to which the 6 parties with the highest voting intention pay the most attention in their electoral programs. In fact.

This issue is where the ideological differences

In fact, the Government of Pedro promised after the motion of censure with which he took the power that would “repeal the most harmful parts” of this measure. Although it was ultimately not carried out. Labor rights versus business flexibility. The PSOE has not been able to fulfill that promise in the current legislature or in the previous one after the motion of censure. So the labor reform will once again focus the parties’ discourse  1000 Mobile Number List  regarding employment . From the left, it is proposed to fight against precariousness and defend labor rights. While the right is committed to making the market more flexible to facilitate the activity of entrepreneurs. Read more: 4 reasons why the Bank of Spain assures that the labor reform has not reduced temporary employment and inequality.

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This is what the electoral programs of the

PSOE: a new Workers’ Statute “for the 21st Century” Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government. Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government. The socialists dedicate an entire section of their program to “decent employment”, for which they emphasize. Their commitment to repeal “the most harmful aspects of the labor reform” during the first year of the legislature . To this end, they are betting on a new Workers’ Statute that  Malta Mobile Phone Number  incentivizes economic activity and the creation of decent, quality and stable employment, so that permanent hiring is the ordinary way of accessing employment.” Among its most notable measures is simplifying employment contracts into 3 types, reformulating active employment policies with greater attention to training and hiring bonuses, promoting a Shock Plan for Youth Employment , gradually equalizing the rights of salaried and self-employed or approve a Scholarship Statute that prevents chaining internship periods.


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