Furthermore, among its proposals is its intention to prohibit the

Stable energy State Pact for 40 years The leader of the PP, Pablo Casado. The leader of the PP, Pablo Casado. In energy matters, the Popular Party’s program for these November 10 elections remains in line with what was proposed for. Last April’s elections, although it has eliminated some of its previous proposals. Commit to an energy intention to prohibit mix without giving up energy technologies that are still useful. A proposal that involves the creation. A State Pact with a stable energy mix for 40 years and a National Energy. Climate Plan to achieve the objectives agreed in the European Union. Read more.

Faced with the April elections, the Popular

The environmental and energy policies set by Europe, nor does it include reinforcing the energy connection infrastructure between Spain. and other countries energy taxation United We Can: close coal plants before 2025 and nuclear plants before 2024 Pablo Iglesias, in the Atresmedia electoral debate. Pablo Iglesias, in the Atresmedia Belize Mobile Number List electoral debate. The proposal of the violet formation also maintains the same axes as in the previous elections, with certain additional nuances. The program for the November 10 elections of the party led by Pablo Iglesias speaks of a green horizon. It advances that if  is mobilized annually from public and private capital, CO2 emissions could be reduced by half in a decade and by 90% by 2040 and “ we would create 600,000 net jobs throughout the year.

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 Phrases from each candidate that summarize

One of the formulas proposed is to eliminate the privileges of the energy oligopoly “and return power to SMEs and those who pay for electricity.” They thus intend to change the conditions of the auction so that (cheaper) renewable energy has a stable remuneration and is the one that sets the price of the electricity market “and not the most expensive energies like now.” Unidas Podemos is also committed tothe creation of a public   Belarus mobile phone number   company,establish investment aid in small and medium-sized renewable facilities as well as close coal plants before 2025 ( guaranteeing the use of national coal) and nuclear plants before the end of 2024. The Unidas Podemos program also aims to recover public management of hydroelectric plants whose private exploitation has expired and rehabilitate 500,000 homes a year to promote energy efficiency.


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