It also contemplates promoting a tax on the profits of large. Companies for polluting and establishing a line of high-impact public-private investment to develop new battery technologies in Spain. Citizens: lower the electricity bill by eliminating for the purchase taxes and promoting competition. Albert Rivera, leader of Ciudadanos, takes out a cobblestone in the five-person electoral debate to talk about the protests in Barcelona. After the ruling of the process. Albert Rivera, leader of Ciudadanos, takes out a cobblestone in the five-person electoral. Debate to talk about the protests in Barcelona after the ruling of the process. The party led by Albert Rivera is also in favor of a transition to a model based on renewables. A line that it maintains in the draft of its electoral program for the call of the 10 N elections.
The document remains almost unchanged
The orange program includes a Climate Change and Energy Transition Law to guarantee the legal security of non-dependence on fossil fuels. “We will promote a transformation towards an energy model based on renewable energy and zero carbon emissions by 2050.” Albert Rivera’s formation includes in its draft for the 10N elections Jamaica Mobile Number Database a point by which. Depoliticizing the Nuclear Security Council “to guarantee its independence and credibility . ” Ciudadanos’ proposals on energy matters involve developing an auction model to introduce renewable energies with “a stable calendar.” The orange formation ensures that it will guarantee a stable and secure legal framework with adequate profitability for investors in renewable. Technologies “who suffered the arbitrary cuts of the PSOE and PP governments,” the political program indicates.
Ciudadanos also carries as its banner proposals such
It also aims to reform the electricity rate to make it more transparent as well as promote efficiency in electricity consumption with the intention of reducing its price 30%. Vox: cheap and sustainable energy in a program without mention of the environment The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal Vox’s electoral program only consists of one point regarding energy matters, the same one that appeared in its Cameroon mobile phone number April program. Santiago Abascal ‘s party indicates in its document its intention to develop an Energy Plan with the aim of achieving energy self-sufficiency in Spain on the basis of cheap, sustainable, efficient and clean energy. Abascal’s party’s plan involves fewer taxes and regulated costs on .