In any case, the scenario posed by a third call for elections

Something that both experts call “political irresponsibility.” “The matches would be very punished. The levels of abstention would be much higher ,” says the Catalan political consultant. “The country cannot afford another election,” explains Luis Arroyo, president of Public. Communication Advisors, who in an interview with. Business Insider conducted before the elections analyzed the possible scenarios. “If the right wins, the right will agree. They have never hidden it. If the right does not win, there will surely be a situation of blockade again. If there is no pact between the PSOE and Podemos, something will happen. I don’t know if the abstention of Ciudadanos or the technical abstention of the PP,” predicts the expert. The experts consulted by this medium. Ggree that there is a general feeling of boredom with politics among citizens, which would worsen with the calling of third elections.

The proposals on the price of electricity, renewable

Unidas Podemos, Ciudadanos, Vox and Más País The most likely scenario is that there will finally be an investiture of Pedro Sánchez by a simple majority in a second vote in which one of the parties abstains or others support him. And it seems that Spain is not a country of coalitions, “it is not in our political culture,” analyzes the professor from the Open University of Catalonia, contrasting the  previous  Guatemala Mobile Number List  empts by Podemos to reach an agreement with the PSOE. There has not been, to date, a coalition government in Spain “but in Europe many governments are coalitions,” Arroyo compares. Thus, the most likely situation, according to Hijón, would be: that the party with the most votes, the PSOE, has to govern as a minority and, consequently, Pedro Sánchez is invested by technical abstention and without granting anything in return to the opposition party.

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With a technical abstention it will not be a legislature 

The Decree Law will be greatly supported because it does not have large majorities,” analyzes Hijón. The approval of budgets would be, in this context, a very thorny issue. “It is more difficult for them to move forward and it could force them to extend the previous ones , which usually have a lower financial allocation,” says Pastor. And with a recent  afghanistan mobile number precedent Rajoy Resigns President PP And for those who need a history, the truth is that you do not have to go far back in time to find a similar situation of political blockade in Spain. It happened with the last government of Mariano Rajoy in 2016. After ten months of political blockade, the Government of Spain left behind the ‘acting’ surname and Rajoy was named president of the government.


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