The final photo of the general elections of November 10 have left several new features for the new Cortes Generales that will be established in the coming weeks. They have also left some keys that will be fundamental to understand what the new legislature will be like, the 14th of Spanish democracy. The investiture will not be easy and has the option of governing alone even more difficult. He could find himself with a Council of Ministers that would. Even have the eventual participation of Errejón’s Más despite the fact that its results have been far from being what the formation itself expected.
Podemos knows its electoral
EH Bildu could get its own group and the BNG returns to the Lower House. Everything has responded to dynamics that, once again, are far from those that are taking place in the rest of Europe. These are six keys to understanding what happened. The general elections of November 10 and what can be expected to happen now. The electorate neither forgets nor forgives the failed investiture Sánchez and Iglesias, with their backs Mexico Mobile Number Database turned at a meeting in Moncloa. Sánchez and Iglesias, with their backs turned at a meeting in Moncloa. The general elections of April 28 opened a legislature—failed—with many iconic images.
The XIII investiture did not prosper
PSOE falls three seats and Unidas Podemos has dropped seven. But the one who has suffered the worst bill has been Ciudadanos, which has left 47 deputies behind. They have gone from 57 to having only ten people who will be invested in the Lower House. There are several reasons that have caused the collapse of. Ciudadanos, and they are detailed below in the point on the regrouping of the right. Several political decisions that potential voters questioned and that caused this summer the biggest internal Argentina mobile number crisis in the history of the orange party. Although Unidas Podemos saves the furniture and confirms. Its floor Pablo Iglesias, leader of Unidas Podemos, exercises his right to vote in the November 2019 general elections. Pablo Iglesias, leader of Unidas Podemos, exercises his right to vote in the November 2019 general elections.