The next legislature  it seems that the 

The economic head of Ciudadanos, Luis Garicano. Stated in April in El Confidencial that, although the increase in the SMI seems “a risk, but we will not repeal it . ” However, his electoral program does not mention the minimum wage. Salary gap between autonomous communities: the average gross monthly salary in Extremadura is 600 euros lower than. The Basque Country We can: raise it to 1,200 euros in the next legislature The general secretary of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias. The general secretary of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias.

Podemos also takes advantage of this

From here, the objective must be to immediately reach 1,000 euros and ensure that this amount is updated to the level established in the European Social Charter. Salaries in Spain have not yet recovered from the crisis: this  is how salaries have evolved in EU countries. Between 2009 and 2018 Vox: calls for repealing the  Vietnam Mobile Number Database  and considers. It an obstacle to employment Santiago Abascal, president of Vox. Santiago Abascal, president of Vox. The far-right party has not included references to the minimu.  Wage in its program , with one exception: to use it as a minimum income level for a self-employed person to pay a fee of zero euros , in a similar way to what happens in the Ciudadanos electoral program.

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However, Santiago Abascal’s party has hinted in the last

24 years old and seeking their first job,” according to La Información . In addition, he proposed that workers be allowed to “accept” salaries below what their agreement establishes, according to El Boletín . More Country: raise it to euros in and to at the end of the legislature Errejón, during the presentation of the Más País economic  Ecuador Mobile Phone Number  Errejón, during the presentation of the Más País economic program. The proposals of Podemos and Más País also coincide on this issue. The party led by Íñigo Errejón proposes raising “the SMI to 60% of the average salary in the legislature (1,150 euros in 2018), reaching 1,000 euros in 2020 and 1,200 euros at the end of the legislature”, a proposal almost modeled on the which includes the Podemos program.


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