The proposals on the price of electricity, renewable 

Green energy has been one of the proposals that the Socialist Party has carried as its banner. He did it in the last April elections and he does it again in his program for these elections. On November 10. But Pedro Sánchez’s formation is not the only one. That comes loaded with proposals on energy matters for this election call. The main political parties with voting intentions have put on the table the points of their electoral program regarding energy . While Más País has made the energy transition and climate change the backbone of its electoral program, on the opposite side, Vox, makes no mention of either climate change or the environment.

The Government of Pedro Sánchez approved

The draft law on climate change and energy transition that commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by until 2020 and 90% until 2050. A plan that involves renewables representing the 74% of electricity generation in 2030 and 100% in 2050. Read more: X-ray of renewables in Spain, Iberdrola leads while Endesa tries to  Bahamas Mobile Number List catch up In addition, the closure schedule for thermal and nuclear power plants in Spain has been established in collaboration with the main companies in the sector in Spain. We tell you what are the energy proposals of the electoral programs of the PSOE, PP, Unidas Podemos. Ciudadanos, Vox and Más País from the lowering of the electricity rate to tilting the energy mix towards renewables. PSOE: a more ambitious ecological transition Pedro.

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It is not surprising therefore, that the energy

Transition has become one of the spearheads of the electoral program of the red party in the call for elections last April. In its program for the November 10 elections, the PSOE has increased its ambitions in what it defines as the “climate emergency.” The objective is now to reach a percentage of electricity produced with renewable energies of  in 2030, between. A plan that also contemplates the closure of coal and nuclear plants. All this, the document clarifies, “without increasing electricity prices.” Read more: 6 keys to understand  Belgium mobile number what PSOE, PP, Podemos, Ciudadanos and Vox have won and what they have lost after the electoral debate The PSOE electoral program also states that it will promote “immediately” the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law and the implementation of the integrated national energy and climate plan, the just transition strategy and the energy poverty strategy.


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