Recover face-to-face and abandon the show

Nearly 20 years had to pass since Franco’s death for Spain to experience what was really an electoral debate . That night in May 1993, two figures met on screen, González and Aznar, both candidates for the presidency. The Government , face to face for hours to contest a general election. In the middle, a third man, halfway between orchestra director and moderator: Manuel Campo Vidal . First in Upday Cintillo From then until today, the historic journalist is the only. Person to have moderated at least one debate in each election in which this genre has been allowed. This year he breaks his streak as an interviewer and begins it as a guest at the long-awaited event, the first in the history of Spain to host five candidates. Honorary president of the Television Academy.

After more than 15 years of in which no meeting of this type

Moderators should not be protagonists” The moderators of the 4-N debate, Ana Blanco and Vicente Vallés. The moderators of the 4-N debate, Ana Blanco and Vicente Vallés. Television Academy The journalist gives special importance to the figure of the debate moderators . In the case of 4-N, those responsible for directing the conversation were Ana Blanco and Vicente Vallés , who did “a very correct” job as professionals, although for Campo  Panama Mobile Number Database Vidal the importance lies in another point: “Above all, I see that they do not participate in that school in which they believe that the protagonist is the journalist”. Campo Vidal defends that the journalist can and should intervene and ask questions when appropriate , but always understanding that his role is not that of the protagonist, but rather a journalist.

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In contrast are the professionals of the Television Academy, in which

More debates and more formats Manuel Campo Vidal moderates the debate between Pedro Sánchez and Mariano Rajoy in 2015. Manuel Campo Vidal moderates the debate between Pedro Sánchez and Mariano Rajoy in 2015. Despite being used to moderating his now famous ‘face to face’ between the main candidates for the presidency of  Bulgaria mobile number  the Government , Campo Vidal is not averse to trying new debate formats and does not put some above others. In the case of recent dates, the style has been more aimed at “round tables” where several candidates constantly question each other, but that is not the problem. “The problem is not the 5-way debate.


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