Third place would go to Vox the party led by Santiago Abascal

Likewise, Unidas Podemos and its confluences would maintain fourth position with 32 parliamentarians. While Más País would reach 4 seats in Congress. Participation, the newspaper assures, would drop. Points compared to 28-A, remaining at Vox bursts in with force, says El Español Electoral survey published in El Español Source: El Español. The newspaper El Español estimates that the PSOE would obtain 25.1% of the votes (110-119 seats). While the PP would rise to 20.6% (between 93 and 100 deputies) . As in the two previous polls, neither of the two major parties would achieve an absolute majority with the addition of blocks. Even with the support of Vox, which would be third (14.3% of votes and between 42 and 48 seats), the desired number of 176 deputies would not be reached. The far-right party would be followed by.

The survey commissioned from the company

The PSOE wins but does not convince Electoral survey published in El Mundo Source: El Mundo. El Mundo , for its part, gives a narrow victory. The left at the expense of knowing the vote of the of undecided people who still do not know which party. They will choose during the elections. With just three points of difference. Between  Tongliao Mobile Number List  the two options, the PSOE would win the elections again, although with less success than in April. With one point less in voting intention, and moving between 118 and 126 seats, the party led by Pedro Sánchez would be far from its goal of the dreamed 140 seats. Who would be happy with the result would be Pablo Casado’s PP.

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Support would not exceed between 35 and 40 seats

Ciudadanos and Más País, in the assumption drawn by El Mundo. Would be relegated to an irrelevant 8.9 and 4% of votes (16-19 and 3-4 seats, respectively). Parliamentary blockade continues Electoral survey published by El Confidencial. Source: El Confidencial. According to the poll published by El Confidencial. The PSOE would  Japanese Mobile Number win with 28% of the votes and a result of between 118 and 128 seats but, despite the socialist victory and the left-wing bloc, Sánchez could not gain an absolute majority with a deflated Unidas Podemos (29-34) and a small Más País (3-5), needing the help of the nationalist and independence parties . Neither could the sector of the three rights. The bloc, led by the PP, would not exceed 160 seats : between 81-90 minutes for the PP, 12-50 for Vox and 21 for Ciudadanos, which would collapse in the Upper House.


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