The key dates that you will have to take into

This Friday the campaign for the general elections on November 10 officially started. Although it is much shorter than on other occasions due to the electoral repetition, there are still several key dates that you should know. In addition to the opening, central and closing events of the candidates’ campaigns, there are other important days from a technical point of view. When are the rehearsals for the electoral counts, or when will the polls stop being published, for example. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain. Skirt general elections The campaign has officially started and there are just a few days – just a week – left for Spaniards to go to their polling stations again. Next Sunday, November 10, there are new general elections, the fourth in 4 years.

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Therefore, so that you do not miss a single day on the road to next Sunday, these are the key dates before the general elections on November 10. The election rehearsals have already begun. Presentation of the electoral  Jordan Mobile Number Database  device of 28-A. Presentation of the electoral device of 28-A. Last Tuesday, October 29, rehearsals for the general election counting began. Interior sources have confirmed that they have already been held and that on this occasion they have taken place with good results. The same sources indicate that these tests work to verify that the entire IT infrastructure responds correctly.

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The electoral campaign starts on Friday the 1st Pablo Iglesias at a Podemos campaign event in 2015. Pablo Iglesias at a Podemos campaign event in 2015. This time the campaign is going to be shorter than usual. Instead of lasting two weeks, it will only last one week due to a reform of the 2016 Electoral Law. Furthermore, another singularity is that it starts between Halloween and All Saints’ Day, which has already resulted in jokes on the  Indian Mobile Number  networks. Sánchez and the PSOE, Casado and the PP and Errejón and Más País have called events in Seville starting at . We can ditto, but in Madrid. Only Ciudadanos will be in Cádiz. Vox will do it in Hospitalet del Llobregat, in Barcelona. At 00:00 the traditional poster hanging will begin.


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