A few years ago no one was talking about Inbound Marketing; Today, most of our clients and prospects are looking for a strategy. best-inbound-marketing-agencies It is a fact that Inbound. Marketing is the trend to follow in 2018 and the coming years. A few years ago no one talk about her; Today most of our clients and prospects are looking for a strategy of this type. But why? Basically because people are SICK of traditional advertising. The format doesn’t matter; whether it be a commercial on television or radio, or a banner on your favorite blog. What’s more, a study out by Infolinks states that 86% of people suffer from “banner. Blindness” on the Internet, in other words, 86% of people completely ignore any advertising. That is presented to them online , no matter the format. Imagine the implications of this! This panorama is leading brands around the world to look for different advertising formats.
What is Inbound Marketing?
Read our blog post: How to generate leads with Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is a marketing trend focuse. On generating valuable content to attract prospects and customers for a company. The main advantage of Inbound Marketing vs. Content Country Email List marketing is that it is base on an effective methodology to achieve real and measurable business results. In addition, it incorporates the most advance technology to measure ROI accurately. IB-The best Inbound Marketing agencies in Mexico Finally. Inbound Marketing uses the least invasive communication channels to deliver messages effectively. An example is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) or organic positioning in search engines. The fact of not paying money to appear in the top positions of Google makes all the difference in generating. Trust in users searching for companies on the internet. Download the guide. Coordinating efforts of the commercial and marketing departments.
How can you start doing Inbound Marketing?
In fact, 70% of people searching for businesses on Google click on pages that are not paid advertising. download-how-to-coordinate-efforts-of-sales-and-marketing-departments . Why is it so important? As I mention, people who browse the Internet. Are of the Braz data obsolete practices of current advertising: it is very invasive and prevents a visitor from having a pleasant user experience. Some of the outdate practices include the famous paid advertising that is repetitive and intrusive and prevents our visitors from browsing smoothly. In addition to representing a proven successful methodology and, most importantly, one that can guarantee a return on investment. Inbound Marketing proposes a new response to obtain the best prospects by optimizing time and resources. In turn, Inbound significantly helps align commercial departments with marketing departments to guarantee better follow up. Of all new prospects, increasing the possibility.