The Royal Decree that will allow the Government to intervene. In telecommunications for reasons of public order is already in force. Published in the BOE this Tuesday, the acting Executive has opened the door to intervene in the networks. In certain exceptional cases”, and “on an exceptional and transitory basis”. This has led groups like Xnet to denounce that Spain is getting closer “to China and its liberticidal policies.” The journalist Eva Belmonte, author of El BOE Nuestro de cada día , was the first to analyze the details of this new legal text. With a reform of the Telecommunications Law, from this Tuesday the Government will be able to adopt. On its own initiative or at the request of a public administration. The intervention of communications network services, as long as “public order, security public and national security”.
The Government will prohibit institutions
According to Executive sources explained to the newspaper El País , the spirit of this new rule is not to interrupt telecommunications services in the event of public disorder. On the contrary, the idea is to guarantee its provision” and avoid “misuse or abuse” of infrastructure in extraordinary circumstances. Belmonte, in El BOE our daily , also elaborates on the new legislation. That will require Spanish public administrations to have the Honduras Mobile Number Database servers and data of their domains hosted on servers in the European Union before mid-2020. Precisely this was the starting point of this Royal Decree when the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, announced. It in a surprising way in a radio interview on Onda Cero . The idea is to prevent the Generalitat of Catalonia from constituting a de facto parallel administration on the internet that could evade Spanish justice.
Digital paradise is understood to be the place that
Allows the implementation of websites, avoiding possible blocks requested by other countries.” The person who explains it to Business Insider is Juan Diego Polo, a telecommunications engineer and technology consultant. The Catalan administration, for its part, considered this week that this new Royal Decree was a “digital 155”, in reference to the article of the Constitution that intervenes an autonomous community and that was Bolivia mobile number applied at the end of 2017 in Catalonia. Read more: Tsunami Democràtic compares Spain to “China or Russia” after the National Court has removed its app from GitHub Jordi Puigneró is the Minister of Digital Policies of Catalonia, and has already confirmed that his department is working to “legally” combat the decree that is already in force.