The last gives the PSOE up to  seats and 

The PSOE would obtain between 133 and 150 seats after the 10-N general elections, more than.  In the April results, according to the latest CIS electoral macrobarometer . It is the last major survey that the Sociological Research Center has prepared before the elections, with more than 18,000 home surveys. Ciudadanos falls to a range of between 27 and 35 deputies and Vox. With between 14 and 21, would also lose seats. Unidas Podemos remains at. Más País would emerge with two seats to add to Compromís, which would obtain another one or two more. Despite the strength of the sample, this macrobarometer was carried out between September 21 and October 13, one day before the procés ruling was published. The percentage of undecided people is still high, more than 20%.

Almost 12% of those surveyed warned that they

Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . The macrobarometer published by the Sociological Research Center. This Tuesday anticipates a beneficial distribution of seats for the PSOE: the socialists will once again gain a simple majority in the Congress of Deputies with more than 133 seats. The range that could be reached is even 150 deputies. It will be followed by the PP, which also grows to a range of between 74 and  parliamentarians  Ukraine Mobile Number Database  more than in April, when they obtained 66. Ciudadanos will suffer a setback according to the CIS, going from the 57 deputies in April to a range of between 27 and 35 Unidas Podemos would add up to deputies, similar to the results of April when they got .Elections November 10, everything you need to know.

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The most optimistic version for the non-independence left bloc raises. These forecasts to its majority being absolute and growing to  deputies. From the PSOE, 33 from Unidas Podemos, 2 from Más País, 9 from En Comú Podem from Més Compromís and 3 of Galicia in Common. The CIS macrobarometer that was released this Tuesday at. Based on a sample of 17,650 interviews carried out at home in more than 1,000 municipalities in 50 provinces, plus Ceuta and Melilla. Flourish logoA Flourish data visualization. This macrobarometer  Paraguay mobile number does not take into account the riots in Catalonia or the ruling of the process. Despite this, these interviews took place between September 21 and October 13, one day before. The Supreme Court published the sentence of the process.


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