The left bloc would have lost up to 3 seats due to the

In total, Más País and its confluences have obtained 3 seats in the 18 provinces in which they have presented themselves. With a total of 323,862 votes throughout Spanish territory (not counting Compromís). The division of support between those of Errejón and the left-wing. Bloc could have given the latter a total of 3 deputies. In key provinces. It would subtract seats from the left-wing bloc Más País decided to present itself only in provinces to prevent its candidacy. By dividing the vote of the left, from causing that bloc to lose seats . The result has not been what was expected in the group in general and in Más País in particular.

This is what happens when a party

The elections and they have already voted for it: this 10-N has happened in Teruel According to the electoral monitoring carried. Out by the newspaper El País , these ‘lost’ votes, if they had gone to the right party, could have given away the last. Seat to the left in 3 provinces where those from Errejón had no chance of achieving representation. These numbers are only an approximation based on the transfer of votes . The exact costs of Más País’ presence are  Canada Mobile Number Database  impossible to measure accurately. Since it is not certain that its voters would have chosen to stay home instead of supporting another left-wing party, but it is most likely that many would have participated “with the clip on the nose”, But adding to the left was not Errejón’s only objective.

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Spain is no longer an exception

According to the D’Hondt Law of electoral distribution , the last seat. Basque province went to the PNV by a very scant 163 votes. In relation to the PP, but the 8,463 votes of Más País, which did not obtain representation, could have decanted the balance on. The side of both Unidas Podemos and the PSE-EE (PSOE) . The same occurs in the case of Malaga, where just 810 votes separated Unidas Podemos. If it had been divided correctly. The votes carried by the Errejón formation would have given Algeria mobile number the purples  their second seat in the Malaga dependencies. The last assumption, and the least probable of is that of the A Coruña constituency.


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