Pedro Sánchez begins the PSOE campaign 

The PSOE has presented a new spot and has outlined what the electoral campaign for the 10-N general elections will be like with its new motto: “Now yes.” He has harshly attacked the right, the Catalan independentists and also against Unidas Podemos. He has also winked at the voters of the Más País party: “I ask those citizens who put the interest of Spain before the acronyms to help us get it out of the blockade.” Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . Pedro Sánchez has presented the PSOE electoral campaign for the general elections on November 10. He has done so with obvious winks to the Más País voters: ” I humbly ask those citizens who put the interest of Spain before the acronym to help us get it out of the blockade.

On Monday morning the general secretary of the

The PSOE has also presented a first spot to warm up the campaign, which will begin this Friday, November 1 and will last until midnight from the 8th to. The 9th. Saturday will be the day of reflection and on Sunday citizens are called to the ballot boxes in their polling stations. Despite the nod to the Más País electorate, Sánchez  Portugal Mobile Number Database  recalled. That only the PSOE has a project and a territorial presence to “structure Spain.” He has thus attacked the rest of the political forces, whom he has pointed out because his project “is limited to stopping the PSOE.” Read more: 13 occasions in which Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE made Podemos its preferred partner and then there was no agreement “You will find the three right-wing groups working very hard, with a greater or lesser level of stridency.

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The Catalan independentists who want anything but

And you will also find, and this is the most original thing about our system. Political, to a so-called left that unites its votes with the right and the extreme right again and again. He said. Sánchez began his appearance before a packed  Nigerian Mobile Number auditorium. By stating that the PSOE seeks to “open a shared country project that does not leave anyone excluded.” Thus, he has launched into making promises for ten years. Our children will be the judges of what we do. Let’s think about them and the country we want to build in the next ten years. No profound transformation will be immediate. But it won’t come in time if we don’t start working now.


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