This is how the international press has reacted to the results 

The electoral result , although it has been led by the PSOE with 120 seats, the second and third place is obtained by the right – the PP with 88 seats and Vox with 52. The international press has echoed the second consecutive elections in the same year. The same ones that, for international media such as The Washington. Post or The New York Times , have done nothing but reflect and exacerbate the political blockade .Cover of Le Figaro on the general elections in Spain. Le Figaro , like Le Monde in the last elections , emphasizes the socialist leadership but this time mentions. The rise of the extreme right that bursts into Parliament with force . From the neighboring country, France, Marine Le Pen , leader of the National Group, congratulates Santiago Abascal.

The new options that Pedro  has to form a

The BBC cover on the results of the general elections in Spain. For its part, the BBC , from the United Kingdom , reflects the same mood as the rest of the media in neighboring countries : socialists lead amid the growth of the right ,” reads its headline. And he  points Colombia Mobile Number List out that ” Spain has not had a stable government since 2015.” la Repubblica comes first but without a majority, and the far-right Vox rises Italian ‘la Repubblica’ cover about the elections in Spain. Italian ‘la Repubblica’ cover about the elections in Spain. La Repubblica , from Italy, warns about the of the PSOE with its electoral result and the undisputed rise of Vox . “A government of the left or the right is impossible. The Populists double the consensus, the Populares grow again, Podemos and Ciudadanos collapse ,” the media summarizes.

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Front page of  Portugal, about the

The neighboring country to which you can move if you are not happy with the result of the elections this Sunday, November 10, 2019 – includes in its opening headline. PSOE wins without a majority, Vox doubles its deputies “. Portugal has also just passed electoral elections in October where, for the first time. The history of the   country’s democracy, the extreme right has emerged . And, furthermore, it is led by the minority  Armenia mobile number Socialist Party , as Pedro. Wanted to do in Spain. The Guardian  Cover of The Guardian on the elections in Spain. Cover of The Guardian on the elections in Spain. The Guardian has followed the Spanish elections minute by minute. Even monitoring the results of the polls prior to the vote count . Finally, the media has summarized the night in Spain in the following headline: “Spanish election: the blockade remains without a clear majority in sight.


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