This is what they propose about the permanent

More Country  Equo: climate change and renewables as the axis of an entire program Íñigo Errejón during the presentation of his political. Party Más País Íñigo Errejón during the presentation of his political party Más País. The formation led by Íñigo Errejón has made climate change and renewables one of the axes that articulate. Its electoral program for the November 10 elections. In fact, it is the broadest in green matters and, so much so, that it is committed. The ecological transition being the backbone. The country’s economy.Más País aims to promote an Organic Law of Ecological Transition to regulate issues related to climate change, the circular economy and sustainable mobility. It also wants to approve a Law on Climate Change.

 All the objects that Albert Rivera

Transition that coordinates the ministries of Energy, Environment, Industry and Development and, in parallel, proposes creating an independent. Committee for Monitoring the Ecological Transition. Más País has in its program the intention of updating. The constitution to include, for example, sustainability, respect for natural  Uruguay Mobile Number Database  systems and essential. Ecological processes, among other points. It also proposes launching a National Environmental Education Plan and the creation of a Just Ecological Transition Office. The green program of this party aims for the energy consumed by public buildings to be 100% renewable, to install photovoltaic self-consumption systems as well as to energetically rehabilitate public buildings and for public purchasing to follow sustainability criteria.

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The right bloc would win the elections but without

A majority to govern and other keys to the latest polls to be published before 10-N It also advocates for the electrification. The public fleet or for each Ministry and public entity to have its own climate neutrality plan. Más País has in its program proposals such as promoting self-consumption among citizens, the closure of nuclear  cambodia mobile number and coal plants, prohibiting. Franking and gas and oil prospecting, as well as launching a national strategy against. Energy Poverty and prohibiting new installations. domestic and commercial gas in 2025. More Country Equo is committed to reforming the electricity market, a national strategic investment plan in Green Industry, the promotion of electric vehicles and also the circular economy.


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