6 keys to understanding what PSOE PP Podemos

The only debate of the campaign for the general elections on November 10 ended, but it did not clear up too many unknowns. It is not known whether the blockade will continue after the vote, although we already have a glimpse of what the imminent political landscape will be like in the coming weeks. Sánchez is leading a turn to the center thanks to his institutional position. Despite the interim nature of his mandate, the acting President of the Executive has been able to present a debate with the stripes of a statesman. Iglesias was in front, building bridges, and a bloc, the right-wing one, which presented the meeting with a clear message: everyone for Sánchez. Although this happened, Sánchez emerged unscathed from this strategy and Casado, Abascal and Rivera were involved in several disputes over the leadership of their block.

Compromís wins the other electoral debate on Twitter

In a recent event that took place in Madrid, organized by the Political Communication Association, experts such as Jorge Rábago, Miguel Ángel Contreras and Manuel Campo Vidal warned that the candidates are going to a debate with  Guangdong Mobile Number List certain objectives. If the candidates meet these objectives, they win their particular debate. It happened like that. Sánchez makes this turn to the center to consolidate his electorate, and it ended with success. Casado was able to establish himself as the useful vote of the right. Iglesias continued to propose the same alternative as always.

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Abascal was able to expand the margins of his

All candidates have met their objectives to a greater or greater extent. These are six keys to understanding how this decisive five-way electoral debate went. The debate has not cleared up questions about whether the blockade will continue. After the elections The debate between five of the 4-N, about to begin. The debate between  Luxembourg Mobile Phone Number  five of the 4-N, about to begin. What will happen from Monday, November 11, remains a mystery for voters . Although during the debate Pablo Iglesias tried to extract. Some commitment from Sánchez regarding future post-election agreements, it was in vain. Albert Rivera did announce his commitment: whether or not they are in the opposition. Ciudadanos will not be an obstacle for the Government of Spain to get going in the coming weeks after the general elections.


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