When he was still part of Izquierda Unida some

This led to a quick exit from the party and the foreseeable. Entry into Actúa, with whom he did not get a seat in the April elections. Finally, given the failure of Actúa and the arrival of Más País, he will not present himself as a candidate in these elections . What the candidates for the presidency of the Government of the major parties did before. Turning 30 Ángel Garrido, from PP to Ciudadanos Rosalía Gonzalo and Ángel Garrido. Rosalía Gonzalo and Ángel Garrido If a change of party has caused a scandal in the last year, this has been the case of Ángel Garrido . After being ruled out as a candidate for the Community of Madrid with the PP. He soon joined the ranks of Ciudadanos because, in his words, “he better represents the values ​​of the liberal center.

After the last elections to the Community

Toni Cantó, from UPyD to Ciudadanos Toni Cantó and Rosa Díez Toni. Cantó and Rosa DíezReuters The paths of UPyD and Ciudadanos have joined and separated in different phases . The latest news regarding the November 10 elections is that they will run together . But there has also been a transfer of politicians in which Toni Cantó is  Lebanon Mobile Number Database  the best known case. Actor Toni Cantó began his. Political career in UPyD, where he served from 2008 to 2015 , before joining Ciudadanos the following year. In the orange formation he is one of the references that heads the lists of the Valencian Community. Oskar Matute, from Izquierda United to Bildu Oskar Matute Oskar Matute Reuters.

Phone Number List

He remained within the party from

Tania Sánchez, from Izquierda Unida to Podemos, and then to Más Madrid Tanya Sanchez Tanya SanchezReuters Tania Sánchez began her career as an advisor to Izquierda Unida in Rivas-Vaciamadrid and in 2011 she made the leap  Japanese mobile number  to be a Deputy in the Assembly of the Community of Madrid . In 2015, after his problems with Izquierda Unida, he formed the short-lived Convocatoria por Madrid party that a year later would become part of Podemos . After 3 years in Podemos and with a perspective that always remained closer   to the Errejonista sphere , in March he made the leap to the newly created Más Madrid . Juan Carlos Girauta, from PSOE to PP, and then to Ciudadanos Juan Carlos Girauta Juan.


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