What exactly do they say about the minimum wage Ciudadanos

The increase in the minimum interprofessional. Wage (SMI) to 900 euros per month was one of the star measures of. The Pedro Sánchez Government in 2018, but it was strongly rejected by PP and Ciudadanos. The measure has come into force and none of the 6 parties with the highest voting intention includes repealing the increase in the SMI in. Their program for the general elections on April 28. However, the president of the PP, Pablo Casado, proposed in April reducing it to the 850 euros. That the social dialogue had agreed upon at the beginning of 2018, although he has subsequently qualified his statements. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain .

However, the measure had already come into force

The end of 2018 after being approved by the Council of Ministers. Given that the revaluation of salaries is approved by decree and does not require parliamentary approval. Experts consider that it will reduce precariousness, but warn of its effect on employment. With this increase, the Government assured that the salaries of 2.5 million workers would be revalued . However, several analysts and institutions have warned that making the  EL Salvador Mobile Number Database  lowest salaries. More expensive would cause an increase in unemployment, with the Bank of Spain predicting the destruction of 125,000 jobs and the Airef predicting 24,000 jobs . The European Commission, for its part, has agreed that raising the minimum wage could partially slow down job creation , especially for young people, women and lower-skilled workers, although highlighting that it will help reduce poverty in the Spanish labor market.

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After the last increase, the Spanish SMI is

The increase in the minimum wage to 900 euros per month: this is how it will impact the labor market, according to the main institutions and analysts The effects of the measure have yet to be reflected in unemployment data. However, no one can  Austria mobile number  say for sure what will happen to the SMI after the April 28 elections. No party includes in its electoral program repealing the increase or reducing the amount of the SMI , there are two parties that propose continuing to raise it and several candidates have made statements on the subject.


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