What would happen if the situation of political blockade 

April and due to which Pedro Sánchez did not achieve the investiture. In these elections, the PSOE has turned out to be the party with the most votes with 120 seats and, behind, Pablo Casado’s PP, which has achieved 88 seats. But what would happen if they don’t reach an agreement? What mechanisms does the Electoral Law have? Should we go to third elections? We’ll tell you then. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . Skirt general elections. There were many numbers for these November 10 elections to repeat an electoral result very similar to that of last.

Vox for its part, has managed to

The biggest loser in these elections is Ciudadanos, which falls to 10 seats. In the case of the left-wing bloc , the sum of the seats of PSOE, Unidas Podemos, the confluences and Más País would give 162 seats . A situation that does nothing other  than show that neither of the two blocks reaches the absolute majority of 176 seats. It is on the USA Mobile Number Database minds of many: What would happen if, again, a situation of political blockade is repeated after the general elections on November 10? The truth is that this situation is not that far from reality. In fact, an investiture could not take place in the first vote, if the candidate with the most votes does not obtain an absolute majority , nor could an investiture take. Place in the second vote by simple majority, that is, there are more votes in favor than against.

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Which, in any case, would result in a not easy

In that case, the Organic Law of the General Electoral. Regime (LOREG), approved in 1985 and modified in 2011, establishes that third elections would have to be called. “They can be repeated forever. There is no constitutional tool that can change that. Explains David Hijón, CEO of DialogaConsultores in an interview with Business Insider. Read more: What measures  Albania mobile number exactly do PSOE, PP, Ciudadanos, Podemos.Vox and Más País propose on immigration “It is a parliamentary democracy, there is no other procedure. Elections would continue to be repeated until a government was voted out ,” says Xavier Pastor, political consultant at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
